API-based integration when creating an app like Uber

API-based integration when creating an app like Uber

You already know about our services to create apps like Uber, but what next? The modern business world has embraced API calls. Another tool that digitization brought us in industries that allows us to improve the user experience. These allow automating, tracking and monitoring in real time, while giving access to the data they provide us.

What are the APIs?

API's are an acronym for the term "Application Programming Interface". They are a group of rules and specifications that allow the creation of an intelligent interface. It happens thanks to the process of connecting data in an integrated way between different applications, regardless of the programming language with which they were created.

In simpler words, it enables different systems, web services and application software to connect to share your company's data. An example of this is when you request a quote for a route or trip, this entire process is done thanks to the APIs. The address is searched from your device through an app, so that the database takes that information and the driver can know where to go.

API types

The APIs are divided into two groups, which are not better or worse, they are just for different needs. Among these you must choose depending on your business and it is something to think carefully to evaluate the possibilities of the market. They can be local, that work with a system, within the same computer. Or they can be remote APIs, which work online exchanging information and orders, a clear example would be Uber-type software.

Open or private?

Just as they can be local or remote, APIs have a couple more sub-branches, public and private. The public or open can be used by any developer or company. This is why they are called that way, since they are not only for an internal team, they are for whoever needs them. They can be free, limited by time or exclusive plans; Google, Facebook, Twitter and Trello are such examples.

On the other hand, the private ones would be the complete opposite of those previously named. Because they can only be used by the companies for which they were developed, since these interfaces allow access to internal systems or data that cannot be shared. Their function is to integrate and build systems, increase productivity, as well as make internal communication more efficient.

What is the API economy?

Kristin R. Moyer, vice president and analyst at Gartnet, an information technology research and consulting firm, argues: “The API economy is an enabler for turning a business or organization into a platform. Also, they facilitate the creation or exchange of goods, services, and social currency so that all participants can capture value”.

In other words, this system offers products or services in a simplified way, with excellent customer service. This allows new business models to open up and that is why e-commerce has made its way. Uber is an excellent example of a company that made the most of APIs, connecting other platforms to improve its service. Therefore, it is a model to follow for a company that seeks to create an app like Uber to see the results.

Why purchase APIs for your company?

So many companies have added this tool to their modus operandi, as it allows them to find personalized solutions to improve income and productivity. Also, you can integrate services that are complex quickly, such as social network registration, optimized images and maps.

Another positive feature is that the design that you manage as a company is quite simplified. In addition, you can be more secure and you will avoid fraud that affects you or your clients, adding value to your service. Here are some extra benefits of this great tool:

● Facilitates the integration of different apps and software that can be connected to each other. An example of this is QR codes, they could share your app or coupons in a practical way.

● Maintenance, the people who have developed APIs are continually checking that its operation is pristine. Notifying in case changes are made or new features are added.

● You save time and money, since many processes that were previously heavy are simplified.

● Optimize the experience for customers, not only do you save time as a company, but so do your consumers. Since the interface becomes lighter, loading data faster, and positioning you better in terms of SEO.

Integrate now the APIs to your company

The APIs have come to strengthen what logistics had been working on for years. Receive external data, without any problem, directly to your software obtained when creating an app like Uber. The level of efficiency of this tool and what it can do to reduce costs, increasing your value within the market, is significant. Follow the path of the greats in the industry, take the step to successful digitization.

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