Many use traditional methods for their transport company, but today, it's ideal to get and apply a taxi system. Why? The world is increasingly anchored to the internet and everything that technology offers, as these tools seek to make people's lives easier. We can do this for you with our app and software platform.
Our software is essential so that more and more passengers and new drivers want to purchase and join the service you offer. In this article, you will understand what are the advantages you can offer your passengers and workers by hiring the software and apps designed by Toolrides.
About Toolrides
Toolrides offers software service so that clients can use it in a simple way, but with all the programming tools. When you get our product you get more than six years of experience in technology. Which has been adapted to different electronic devices and their constant advances. In the same way, it is an option to pay for ads in the different social networks that are currently the most popular.
We have more than 30 clients in 10 different countries, such as Peru, Chile and the Dominican Republic. Likewise, we adapt to the previous design that your brand has, the logo and the color palette. Also, you will be able to control the levels of your users, so you don't break with the already established work scales.
What does the passenger get when downloading the app?
When one of the passengers, who are clients in your agency or company, downloads the app, it will be a complete and efficient experience. Also, it won't be the same as any other you have seen before, not even from another of our clients. Since, we make sure to adapt to each case and requirements. This is why we want to share all the details about our app with you.
It's extremely fast, both when downloading it and in its operation. So, it's perfect to use even in situations where your clients need an emergency taxi.
There are constant updates and improvements to the software, adapting to the needs and/or preferences of the users.
The app has different payment methods, insurance and transactions that will be made instantly from the passenger to the driver.
Notifications about the assigned driver can be activated, in order to track and give peace of mind to whoever reserves.
The client will be able to consult rates according to the distances and trips that they require.
It's available both in the Play Store and the App Store, which are the main access platforms. So that, regardless of the mobile device, it can be downloaded.
It allows the download regardless of the country in which you reside, since it adapts to each place's guidelines.
Easy registration
When hiring Toolrides, you have the option to create an app like Uber, but, as we already mentioned, it is customized to suit the client. When drivers and passengers register in the app, they will see the options that you previously chose. They can be simple or rigorous, depending on the guidelines of your company.
Among the requirements that you can add to a simple form are the DNI, place of residence, email, payment data, among many others. In addition, it can be modified whenever you want, to have better security both for drivers and passengers, maintaining the prestige of the company.
How is the experience using the app as a passenger?
Having filled out the initial form, the user can book a taxi, the app does not automatically assign a driver. On the contrary, it displays everyone who is near to the specified location. After a driver is chosen, it will confirm whether or not they are available to accept the trip.
As soon as the driver arrives, the trip is undertaken so that the user can then pay for the service upon arrival at their destination. What provides confidence in the company, in addition to the fact that, as already mentioned, there are various payment methods. Payment is deposited directly into the driver's account for a seamless transaction. Proving that it's the most efficient taxi system you will find in the software market.
Promotional codes and discounts
One of the marketing strategies that Toolrides provides to help make your agency attractive is a special option for promotional codes. It can be seen as a way for customers to be rewarded for their loyalty. By choosing this option, you can customize the type of discount, both its amounts and the percentage. This will never be a loss, as we can see industries like Uber using them and being successful.
It's possible to assign codes for special seasons, with an established date where these will be valid. So that the user has the need to apply it so as not to lose it due to expiration. In the case of having several branches, there will be a section to specify in which of these the code is applicable. In the same way, you can choose between different types of discounts and the services where they will work.
Hire Toolrides and win
Don't wait any longer to see the significant changes in your company that you always wanted, take the first step and update. You'll keep your workers safe with automatic payments and GPS tracking. Like the users, they will appreciate feeling safe with a service that offers them all the tools in a simple way. Hire an efficient, upgradable and uncomplicated taxi system, hire Toolrides.