Operating in populated countries or large cities, you may have to share territory with companies like Uber, which use taxi software. Do not be discouraged by this, competition will always exist, be it in a minimal way or on a large scale. The important thing is to know how to position yourself and stand out for the services or particularities that differentiate what you have to offer.
With ToolRides you can get a platform that has its own app so that you are on the same level as others. Giving you relevance in the transport or delivery market in your area. Therefore, we will give you some tips that will serve to turn your demotivation into a service that attracts attention and is of quality.
Maintain the loyalty of your customers
When you already have a certain amount of time in the market, a list of recurring customers is created. But how do you get them to continue to prefer you over the competition? It's recommended to take the time to study the passengers. This way you will know who values ​​the work you do, in addition to the areas where the possible growth is. So that you can find the right strategy to reward loyalty.
Discount codes or coupons are a great option that we have added in our tools for the app. There is no person who doesn't like a good discount that, above all, symbolizes a reward. You can play with it, such as establishing memberships by number of trips, recommendations on social media, among others. This can take us further with new customers or drivers who also need to feel valued.
Create bonds in your work area
When you make trips in a small area or a small city, it's easier for you to be known. Likewise, if it's the case that you operate in a busy capital city, you have a perimeter that you already know and is accessible to you. However, are you relevant or visible in those communities? Getting involved is the way to go further than other platforms that use taxi control like Uber.
It's important to be there in activities, support or connect in some way with the communities. Because, this way, confidence will be conveyed for a service that is a necessity such as transport. Serving with kindness and closeness works to offer a friendly approach that large companies don't tend to offer. So it's a hook in which they won't be able to match your service.
Go further than your competition
Every company must know that no matter how small or large it is, it must diversify so as not to remain stagnant. Nowadays, bookings are no longer exclusive to get from one place to another. Now they work as a courier, delivery service and even as a pet carrier. How do you go from carrying passengers to this? We will explain it to you in a simple way.
Make contact with the businesses in your usual travel area, they will have products to mobilize towards their clients, that is where your service comes in. Thanks to the GPS location of the taxi system made by ToolRides the businesses will be more sure that their merchandise reaches its destination. From the moment the deal is made, they will be able to work on bonuses to reward consistent use of their services.
Provide the security your customers deserve
It's not a secret that people hesitate to hire a transport service because they put themselves in the hands of a stranger. So the experience, the way the drivers serve the customer and the control measures provide security. Training of the workers you hire must be done for this to be fulfilled. Where you can include people from the area to make it easier to familiarize yourself with the community.
You should share this training with your clients, on social media and contact the media. So that they see that the effort is being made to maintain an optimal service. If a significant amount of time goes by without incidents or complaints, you could run a counter for passengers to see. It's a security aspect that will shine and differentiate your business from larger ones.
Always be transparent
We have already given you many recommendations and these add up to a great foundation for you to be a strong contender for other companies. So here is one last piece of advice, customer service with all that you show them about your brand is essential. There must be a quick response to questions and complaints so that they feel that you are always there when they need you. Both for customers and for the drivers and workers you hire.
With the different options that the ToolRides service gives you, passengers will be able to access everything you provide them. In a clear way, without mysteries or confusing data that only creates doubt about the service. Consequently, always pay attention to the observations that the client can give you, nobody better than them to give you another point of view.
Don't be discouraged, give it everything
You have to be one hundred percent ready to provide a good service, without leaving anyone waiting, or with prices that are not established. Be clear at all times, supported by our app that can be as personalized as your brand. With all this, we guarantee that customers won't stop booking again and again with your company. Now is the time to apply everything you learned, helped by the taxi software that we offer you at ToolRides.