How are the mobility services in Spain?

How are the mobility services in Spain?

Mobility is a necessity, a requirement for economic growth, innovation and trade. It is also important for people's personal well-being. Mobility services open opportunities for both individual transportation and the community as a whole and are a global phenomenon with a local dimension.

A mobility solution as such does not exist, since there are areas such as rural areas, where completely different mobility requirements can be identified compared to urban agglomerations. Mobility in an international comparison has great economic, cultural and geographical differences. Furthermore, they have a significant influence on our understanding of mobility.

Countries like Spain offer potential for a wide range of mobility solutions. This one takes a closer look at the public transportation system. Spain has invested more in new infrastructure over the last 20 to 30 years. In addition, transportation services are more efficient compared to other countries.

How do mobility service networks work in Europe?

The metro network is one of the metropolitan areas in countries like Spain. Even in a large part of the Spanish population, connections with rural areas are also available. On the other hand, the Spanish bus network is much denser than the rail network of the national railway company and connects even the smallest and most remote towns with each other.

The frequency of bus trips depends on the destination, but also on the season, holidays, among others. Inadequate timetables, often without direct connections and generally little flexibility mean that public transport is not a real alternative to private transport for many inhabitants of rural areas.

Therefore, despite the well-developed public transport system in Spain, citizens prefer to take taxis. The prices for these are significantly lower than in other European countries. However, the negative side of mobility services such as taxis falls on the environment. Transportation industry experts predict that by 2025, older taxis will be entirely replaced by low-emission or completely emission-free vehicles.

Mobility strategies and plans

Currently there are strategies for safe, sustainable and connected mobility. This will guide the transversal administrative actions to be developed in terms of mobility, infrastructure and transport during the next decade. With these strategies, transportation services can be developed with the basic principles that are: safety, sustainability and connectivity.

The strategies are also designed under an ecological transition model in which sustainable mobility is an essential piece. For this reason, the industry is preparing for 2023 to begin with sustainable urban mobility plans that contribute to reducing emissions, including, among other measures, the establishment of low emissions zones.

Vehicle charging

One of the main objectives of sustainable mobility is to adopt urgent measures in the energy field for the development of electric mobility, self-consumption and the deployment of renewable energies. The goal is for the state to also be able to provide charging points on land adjacent to roads and to pave the way for the establishment of specific obligations and deadlines for the installation of high-capacity charging infrastructure.

Draft Sustainable Mobility Law

At the moment, Spain already has initiatives promoted regarding a sustainable mobility law. Its preliminary draft has been approved by the Council of Ministers and through it it seeks to systematically establish the basic principles that should inspire sustainable mobility policies at a global level. Transportation services based on the conception of mobility as a citizen's right that public power must have government protection.

The 4 basic principles that inspire the draft are: mobility, which is understood as a social right. The search for clean and healthy mobility; which revolves around promoting a digital and innovative transportation system. Lastly, the efficiency of investments, which is implemented to ensure returns in favor of citizens.

These standards aim at environmental sustainability in the transport sector. With measures such as: the obligation imposed on certain work centers to develop sustainable transportation plans. The provision of having charging points for electric vehicles in certain buildings. Also the introduction of restrictions on the circulation of the most polluting vehicles.

What will the future of transport services in Europe be like? 

Looking ahead to the coming years, it is important to keep in mind that there are various regulatory initiatives to specifically promote everything related to sustainable mobility. Above all because of the ecological transition process in which we are immersed.

Thanks to the innovative proposals that seek the sustainable process of transportation services. The state guideline of giving priority importance to the objective of accelerating the real implementation of sustainable mobility that counteracts the negative effects of this sector on the environment is followed.

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