The options that a taxi service must offer have evolved over time. Since companies like Uber had extraordinary growth, it became evident how necessary digitalization was in this market. The use of applications to offer a product or service is on the rise, gradually becoming a necessity. Some economic studies even suggest that the amount of income expected from these is substantial.
The transport businesses are not only producing for their own interests, on the contrary, they have sought the sum of several producers or services that can help each other. Well, this type of company facilitates the movement of people or merchandise from one place to another, achieving a greater flow of money. Also, this helps to take the necessary steps towards automation, which is incredibly necessary today.
The importance of sustainable travel
The main reason why the transport market began to be directed towards sustainable mobilization was the pandemic. A quiet world was seen, with less noise and atmospheric pollution. The click was made to make transportation something healthier, which would bring less consequences in the future. This is reflected in the increase in the purchase of electric vehicles by 45%.
Some transport companies began to reduce carbon emissions with the help of apps. Since drivers were prevented from moving throughout the city in search of passengers. It should be noted that if you own a company of this type, the best thing to do is create a taxi booking app. Thanks to this, the fatigue of the drivers will be reduced, the damage to the environment and your customers will value your contribution.
Shared ride option
In view of the new needs that passengers present, shared trips have emerged. When leaving a nightclub, event or activity that consists of a large group of people, it's a great alternative. Either because they don't want to be alone the whole way or because they want to take advantage of the same route.
it's increasingly common to see this option in a taxi service, there are different payment methods so each passenger contributes a percentage. In the same way, the so-called "multiple stop" is being implemented, where you pay only the cost of the trip to your destination and not the sum of the entire journey.
Cleaning as a requirement
Customer and driver safety due to COVID-19 required the implementation of new sanitary measures. One of the requirements in most countries is that everyone in the car wears their face mask. Adequate ventilation is another essential aspect to reduce viral particles and carbon dioxide concentration.
Total car disinfection is something that should be done regularly. Steering wheel, lever, knobs, buttons, touch screens, seat belts, seats and other direct contact areas. Also, areas such as the arms, forearms and hands should be washed for 20 seconds. Avoiding touching your face so you don't get contaminated with any viral remains that might remain.
The food delivery market
This is one of the trends that has brought the most income to travel and transportation businesses. So much so that the annual growth rate rose by 8.74%, expecting that the number of clients that will join in this 2022 will be 26.6%. As soon as users had the need to have food at home but without being able to go shopping, people immediately began to look for a taxi or delivery service.
Platforms like ToolRides are suitable so that you can have allies like restaurants or supermarkets. In this way, both services can be aligned from a single panel, giving everyone involved control of their trips and their security. Product deliveries are facilitated, significantly improving the income of both parties.
Using digital marketing
As we mentioned before, apps are helping to improve the revenue and reach of taxi companies. Marketing greatly influences this, since it has become an essential tool for growth. Most potential customers are on the internet, social networks consume a substantial amount of time in people's lives. Therefore, as businesses and companies, we must take advantage of this situation and make a presence so that they notice us as soon as they use their devices.
It should be noted that business partners always take a look at your external face in networks before establishing communication. So platforms Shouldn't be neglected, as they can be the cause of future business losses. Networking and digital marketing also provide us with the opportunity to socialize with other businesses to build support. Besides that they allow us to show a friendly face, which is very useful, to our followers.
Get on the trend train
The taxi service industries are looking for a change, with solutions to the problems that are appearing in this new society. Digitization is an imminent reality from which you cannot escape, so it's better to be informed and embrace technology. There is a significant comeback in this market, so it's the perfect time for your company to evolve and get ahead.