Practical tips for more tourists to use your taxi service

Practical tips for more tourists to use your taxi service

Tourists are a large group of potential customers who could use your taxi service. Most of them don't know the city they're visiting well enough to walk around, so it's a golden opportunity. In addition, they are always from one place to another getting to know historical and iconic places, so they usually request services with someone who can guide them.

There are certain apps and strategies that can help you engage even more tourists than those who already requested your company's services. It's best to use multiple methods in an ad campaign that addresses all fronts. Mixing the "traditional" alternatives with the "online", because you will have different niches to cover. We guarantee that these tips will make your company grow in numbers during the high vacation seasons.

Advertise on social media such as Facebook

Not only Facebook is a great alternative, platforms like Instagram or Twitter have a large flow of people every day. Besides that in these sites you can locate your publications geographically in a specific way. There are even campaigns carried out by these social networks where you can choose several locations. This is how you choose that your information and advertising reach the people who frequent the areas where you operate.

Reviews about your services on influential blogs

Vacationers often research the internet before going to the place to vacation, that's when blogs enter the equation. There are thousands of travel websites that you can use to promote your transport company. it's ideal to check the number of visits, you don't want to pay for promotion on a site that nobody reads.

In the same way, it's possible that you can have your own blog and don't have to pay for someone else to promote you. If you decide to create one, the main thing is to talk about famous sites and how to request rides to these sites using your Uber-like software. It's also important to discuss experiences in airports, hotels, among other places that tourists usually frequent. Always mentioning your service, inserting it in key areas without cluttering the content of your post.

Does Google Ads work in these cases?

Google has been in charge in the last couple of years of creating tools that help companies to have visibility. In its ad service, it includes a category that directs you exactly to customers interested in your niche. Showing ads for your business in apps your potential customers already have installed and use to book travel.

Keyword settings are a great marketing tool in Google Ads that you can adjust for searches in your area. These Keywords, as they are called in computer language, can be names of places, city streets or other things related to tourism. The point is to think about what the tourist would look for if they needed information to ensure that you appear among the main results.

Spread the word with influencers

To carry out this option, you must have a certain economic level, since the rates of the "influencers" are not always cheap. Although, you can also negotiate trips for advertising, so the expense in the medium term is less. You must make sure that this person has the market you want to reach as an audience, in this case: tourists. The positive thing is that there are many influencers today who are dedicated to traveling and reviewing their trips.

Customer-to-customer advertising

Getting your customers to spread the word is one of the oldest ways to advertise a business. No matter how many new ways to market there are, one person hawking how great your taxi service is is invaluable. Of course, this is subject to the uncertainty that they decide whether to speak or not, so it cannot be taken as the only alternative.

That is why it's important to have active social networks, with which your customers can interact. Responding to them and opening up a conversation is best, as you put on a friendly face that will draw attention. In turn, your followers will see the interaction and will be curious about your site.

Tourist sites to associate

Hotels, travel agencies, airports, bars and other such places are a nest of tourists. Therefore, they are the perfect partners for a taxi service, especially when an app is available. Having a platform of this type facilitates the interaction between these sites and your company; they just have to recommend it to tourists who visit their facilities.

The ToolRides app is ideal for these cases, just download it from a device. Basic data is filled in, in a comfortable way for the client to do everything quickly and not postpone it. They have the alternative of reserving trips in advance, to plan ahead. Or, request it at the moment, regardless of the way in which it's reserved, tourists will feel confident that they will be able to move around without problems.

Get the most out of the seasons

A taxi service should take advantage of every situation that has a large influx. Whether it's Christmas, summer, or your business works in a tourist country, now you have better ways to take advantage of it. Combine as many options as possible so that you see a significant increase in your trips. What are you waiting for?

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