One of the most important tools that is part of a logistics app is the GPS. Today, It's very important that the platform you develop for your mobilization services has an efficient GPS navigator. Wherever your users download your app, whether It's Android or iOS, it must have an efficient navigation system.
To give you a much clearer idea of how the GPS that is usually used in logistics platforms works, we offer you important information about them. In addition, we also want to explain what are some of the benefits that you could get by implementing this tool in your application.
What is a GPS navigator?
Before you can learn more about the types of GPS that are usually implemented in logistics apps, you need to know more about what a particular GPS is. His name stands for Global Position System. It's a global system that navigates through a satellite, this allows us to know where in the world we are positioned in real time.
GPS has a global reach and in addition to determining our position, it can also determine the location of any object. It has great precision and is constantly improving it. Vehicle tracking is one of the most common GPS tracks currently performed. This was devised for cellular or satellite networks and is probably one of the most common types of GPS tracking.
It's important to note that phone-based vehicle tracking is currently the most popular. Because its tracking is satellite and this system uses a device to capture vehicle data. Added to this, it sends a data report through the use of telephone towers. Unlike satellite tracking, vehicle motorization that is based on telephone networks costs less and reports much faster.
Is choosing vehicle tracking the best for your business?
When planning to develop a digital logistics platform, many factors must be considered. One of these is knowing what other technological tools will be part of its configuration. When we talk about parcel or order delivery services, GPS tracking is often used. The goal is to simplify the customer service workflow.
The reason why vehicle tracking and satellite tracking are the most popular processes when developing an app for logistics is that the previous options were chaotic. These processes caused the personnel of the mobilization businesses to find themselves in the constant need of having to call their drivers personally to ask their location or occupation at a certain time.
How does this type of tracking work?
It's generally thought that GPS is a simple device that we place on the vehicle's dashboard and the reality is that this tool is much more than that. The GPS is a tangible element that is also a receiver. It's important to highlight that for it to work, it needs satellites.
GPS devices usually have a useful life of about 8 years, that is, they must be replaced by others and It's recommended that when doing so, they be replaced by one that is more modern. Through the satellites that go around the Earth and their orbits, they can see the location of a certain object anywhere on earth, or those that are visible to at least six satellites of the receiver.
For receivers to be able to calculate a position, the following data is needed:
● The exact location in space of at least three satellites.
● The exact distance between him and each one of these satellites.
● The exact time in which the satellite transmits the received information.
The entire process that the GPS will go through to transmit information through the logistics app is extremely complex and is usually difficult for many people to understand.
Importance of a GPS navigator for logistics services
The main reason why It's necessary for your workers to have a GPS to provide your logistics services, is that by having it, they can optimize their performance and consumption. They will save valuable time, plus they will spend less gas. With the GPS navigator, they will know which are the most appropriate routes, as well as avoiding arriving at the wrong places.
In relation to safety, with a GPS or locator your drivers will be able to make their location known if they need help on the road. It's not the same to give an approximate location based on the signs in the surroundings, than to see the vehicle on a map from the mobile application thanks to GPS.
Benefits of implementing a GPS in a logistics app
Although we have mentioned very important information, we cannot skip something that is also necessary for you to know. Some of the benefits you can get by implementing a GPS in your logistics platform are:
● They allow the central office to be informed of situations that occur in real time, which will help improve vehicle safety.
● It will offer security to the driver and also to customers who request the service.
● It will help to fulfill the logistics plans previously established.
● It will optimize the driving habits of the drivers who work in your company.
These are just some benefits that you can get by incorporating a GPS navigator in the development and growth of your services. Let's remember that a logistics app will be beneficial for many customers who need to distribute their products, therefore, It's important that it has a high-quality configuration. Have you already incorporated GPS into your application? What are you waiting for?