Animal access in taxi services

Animal access in taxi services

One of the main rules of the drivers who offer taxi services is not to accept that the customers put animals on the vehicle. However, there are companies that have much more open policies regarding this type of rule, but they always clarify the circumstances in which the service will be allowed.

For taxi companies it is important that the customer is aware that when requesting the trip, he must select / clarify the size or breed of his pet. An easy way to clarify this, is to do it through a digital platform. It will clearly help when requesting the taxi.


How is the experience of traveling with pets in public transport?

Due to the fact that more and more people prefer to travel with their pets in order to enjoy their company while visiting new cities or strolling through beautiful landscapes, in some countries this service has become a trend in the transport market. Although it is important to clarify that this trend is also reflected in many other businesses such as restaurants, beaches, and others. The pet-friendly movement has been understood and implemented by many companies.

Currently it is valid to travel with your pet on airlines and also on land such as buses, subways and taxi businesses. Companies have adapted to the new times and allow access to pets, but as we mentioned, with some restrictions. The experience of traveling with a pet requires that the customer attend to the travel requirements of their pet.

Travelers must be informed of the recommendations and obligations depending on the destination, including travel insurance with guarantees of medical assistance, medical transport and repatriation, situations that could entail a large outlay abroad.

Pets that can normally travel without much problem

When a business talks about pets, it usually refers to dogs and cats. However, there are people who are inclined to adopt exotic animals to make them part of their family. Not all animals will be able to enjoy permission to be transported as normally as you would like. In the first place because for their own good they deserve a specific treatment.

Even, not all breeds of dogs can travel in taxis without a cage or belt. The breeds that can travel without major problem are: Boston Terrier, Bull Terrier, Brussels Griffon, Chow Chow, English Toy Spaniel, Japanese Spaniel/Japanese Chin, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, Staffordshire Terrier and all breeds of Boxer, Bull Dog, Mastiff , Pug and Pitbull. On the other hand, among the cat breeds that have no problem traveling, we find: Burmese, exotic shorthair, Himalayan, and Persian.

What about taxi services that offer shared services?

It is the driver who announces the trip through the platform who specifies whether or not to travel with pets in their vehicle. In addition, it should be noted that the animal cannot make the journey without its owner and in the event that the pet occupies a seat that prevents another passenger from traveling, the owner of the animal must make the reservation for both seats.

Through the digital platform of the taxi business, both the driver and the customer have the duty to clarify the type of services they are requesting/offering. So that in this way, if there is another user who wants to share a vehicle, they are aware of the type of trip they will make.

Conditions that a vehicle must have to offer this type of service

In order for a vehicle that offers taxi services to be able to carry out a trip with a pet satisfactorily, it requires certain particularities. Some of these are:

● The vehicle must be in optimal conditions, that is, it must be enabled for all kinds of purposes.

● It has to have the appropriate dimensions in which a pet can feel comfortable.

● They must constantly implement cleaning measures within it. This in order to preserve hygiene.

● The customer must be reminded of their rights and obligations to use the service.

To achieve a successful trip with a pet, it is recommended to open an instance of online dialogue. In this way, communication with all the parties involved, especially with the taxi workers, will be much clearer and more favorable.

Benefits of accepting pets in taxi rides

At the level of marketing and popularity, being a pet-friendly company will open many doors for the public. Users who are normally prohibited from being in some places will come to your company because they are in the company of their faithful friends. Being a business that empathizes with animals will benefit you in the following way:

● Greater customer flow

● Your business will stand out from the competition

● Support to animal care societies.

● Your company will help break down stigmas about abusive animal regulations.

● Popularity with other companies and customers.

Considering that the pet-friendly movement is gaining strength in the commercial market. It is recommended that you begin to consider if your business wants to join this trend. In case you wish to do so, we recommend that you advise yourself in the best way so that your services adapt perfectly. Be empathic and don't delay in implementing special trips in your taxi services.

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