The key to the success of transportation services is that they get users involved in the operation of the transportation service. This is to offer them mobility solutions that are tailored to their needs. For the first time in a long time, the user has easy access to the most appropriate mode or transport service, and a package of service options for flexible travel.
The success of the transportation industry in the 21st century is the result of great strategies that make users feel that they are getting an efficient service. Without the security and confidence that users currently feel when requesting a taxi service, the history of the industry today would be different. It would probably be the same as in previous times. With this article you will learn a little more about the success that this type of services currently have.
How does this affect consumers?
Both small and large cities are becoming smart or innovative cities, since they have smart tools and smart infrastructure. Transportation services have changed and will continue to change the ways consumers travel and use different types of transportation.
Mobility as a service approaches transportation from a user-centered perspective. Services that relate to the transportation industry are expected to reduce traditional services and offer more alternative transportation options.
How does transportation work currently?
The process is extremely simple, as users only have to plan, reserve and pay for all transportation options separately. Whether it is public transportation, shared vehicle, taxi, among others. Some taxi services allow payment by smart card, but even then, most trips are treated separately and will not include the use of car sharing, city bikes or Uber.
Some ride-hailing services enable a drastic paradigm shift in the industry space. Due to its modernization, users will no longer have to worry about reloading cards, buying tickets, or paying individual fares. From one moment to the next, getting from point A to point B becomes a more fluid and integrated experience. Added to that, this leads to great time savings and, hopefully, money too.
Payments are easy and integrated
There are many transportation services that have experimented with their payment methods. One of the methods that has become popular is the “Plan” option. With this, users pay for a monthly plan appropriate to their transportation needs. That is, the plans can be divided into urban, family, business and casual. These include all public transportation options, that is: taxi, rental vehicle, shared vehicle, among others.
The objective is to meet the individual needs of users. Therefore, there is also the option of “Payment on demand”, which consists of users paying while they travel. The difference is that they can also pay for the entire trip at once, regardless of the means of transportation they request.
Mobile plans are different. In some of these users need a lot of data and in some others they don't but they need a lot of calls. Other services want a contract so payment is made as you go. The latter is because mobile service providers offer a variety of informal plans and options.
How is the outlook for transportation service providers forecast?
The path for transportation service providers has not been easy. However, although these have a big learning curve ahead of them, you will have many benefits in the process. Transport services will negotiate that all industry channels would try to have the same price operator.
In fact, in many countries governments will change legislation to adapt to the new development of the transport industry and thus ensure that companies meet certain standards, in addition to requirements that benefit all users.
How can SkedGo help the shipping industry?
In case you don't know, SkedGo provides personalized travel planning, as well as corporate mobility and many other mobility technologies such as the startup service. The latter is ideal for corporations and governments. Developers have created customized solutions that adapt to the services of each business.
The result of this is the organization and ease of quickly creating your own offer for the services found in the transportation industry. Due to this, they can have parking, reservation and payment functions, events and itineraries, as well as complete corporate mobility solutions.
Do you know a little about TripGo?
Currently, TripGo is one of the systems that covers more than 300 cities and some entire countries, and is constantly adding many more. Its biggest goal is to help users wherever they travel or move. This is mixed modal routing engine, it takes TSP offers through its APIs and through SkedGo's world-class mixed modal routing engine.
This provides trips using any transport: private, public and commercial or a combination of them. It can be customized so that the system considers user preferences. This will allow them to prioritize saving time, money and transfers.
It also offers accessibility features, such as wheelchair-friendly routes, as well as other types of walking speed settings. TripGo seeks to be a great ally for the evolution of transportation services.