When the step towards digitization is taken by creating an app like Uber, it is expected to become more relevant in the market. But, that will be highly dependent on the algorithms of both Google Play and the App Store. Since both work in different ways and what works well in one store will not necessarily have the same result in the other.
If you work only with one of the companies it is much easier to guide the methods. For this, there are ASO strategies, which is the counterpart of SEO, which is implemented on web pages. Find out how to stand out from the stiff competition with the information we have for you at ToolRides.
What is ASO positioning or strategies?
ASO are the acronyms that correspond to “App Store Optimization”, which is the positioning that is done on the different platforms where mobile applications are downloaded. With the strategies that include this optimization, you can become one of the first positions in store searches. Increasing your app downloads and traffic in general.
How does the algorithm in Google Play work?
Whether an app has notoriety in the Google Play Store will depend on what Google's AI knows about it. That automatic learning of the platform studies each user and shows them the content that they usually consume. That's why we often feel that our networks are spying on us. A search in the Google search engine is enough for all your feeds to show you information related to the topic.
Every search result on a device running Android OS is unique. Because Google and its tools are in charge of customizing it in a coherent way for us. Unlike the App Store, which works with other mechanisms linked to the keywords.
How can you improve positioning?
As we mentioned earlier, the tools that make up the ASO are what help us stand out. It depends a lot on you as a company and your collaborators to use them correctly. So we've divided these best practices into several steps, to make it easier to follow.
The name of the application
For a name to work, it must contain at least one keyword that directs to your niche. We can help you with this step at ToolRides and guide you through the entire process while providing you with the tools to build your app. An exhaustive study of keywords must be done to find the best one. It is very important that the name is short, this makes it attractive and memorable, as is the case with Uber, Moobiz or other shipping applications such as Rappi.
How to choose the classification and its description?
When creating an app like Uber, it is thought that it can be easy to put it in a classification, but many have erred in this. In this case, the app would fall under "Cars and vehicles" according to the Google Play tags. However, other subcategories such as “Travel” and “Taxi services” can also be added. The description, on the other hand, can be much more varied and is highly relevant to whether or not someone wants to download the app.
The Google platform allows up to 255 characters that must convey the essence of your company. It sounds like a lot but it's really only three or four lines tops. Only 2% of users open the long description, so the short description is your hook to catch them. You should comment on the area in which you work, the great experience you provide and how your company is relevant in the transport market.
Long descriptions have more work to engage, since not everyone reads them, it must be really good. Luckily, Google launched “Cloud NL” or Cloud Natural Language, a tool where you can analyze your descriptions. All you have to do is enter the text and this tool will give you a complete analysis where it is classified, the words that should be highlighted or the blocks of words are chosen. Thus, your summary will be attractive to your users and Google Play will position you in the correct way.
Why is it important to use the ASO strategies?
How you look to potential customers at the time of search and positioning is so relevant that it represents 65% of downloads. So using these tools can influence whether you are successful or not on the platform. We will mention some of the advantages that will show you how necessary it is to implement ASO strategies.
● The visibility. The more you apply the strategies adapting them to your app, the more potential customers will see you.
● Organic downloads. Those that do not have influence from social networks or Ads will rise. You will have a considerable number of downloads that came only by search and ranking.
● Your income and number of trips will increase.
● The competition within the ASO world may seem tight, but it is much less than with SEO. So if you use an app you will have less competition than if you only use a website.
● Lower investment expenses, as you could see, are not too many steps to follow to comply with the ASO strategy. So you can invest that saved money in your app and in some tools that help your success.
It is important to take into account everything that we already mentioned when taking the step to automation. Since it will be useless to create an app like Uber and make it almost perfect if nobody will be able to see it or it will not get downloads. ToolRides will help you have an app that will compete in the transportation market, you just have to know how to get the most out of it.