It is common that, when entering an application, the first thing you find are the general terms and conditions for its use. Being an application for a taxi service business, this cannot be an exception.
Therefore, we have decided to compile some of the elements that are usually presented between these terms and conditions. It is important for users to know each of these terms, as the user needs to know how these terms favor/protect them and what are the conditions for using the taxi platform.
Elements that you will find in the conditions and terms
Generally, the platforms need permissions to be able to achieve the efficient development of the application. The terms and conditions of the app mention each of the tools to which the platform requires access. In whose columns the reason for which the permit is needed and what it will be used for is specified in detail. Some elements that you will probably find in the terms and conditions of the taxi platforms are the following:
Information notice for customers
When accessing the platform, the user must allow or accept all the terms established in a document that is presented before using the app. Being a taxi software, there must be a continuous update of said application and/or of these policies. In the same way, the client accepts the complementary and specific policies that are in force in the taxi service. Updates of the same are also shown at the time this occurs.
There is a possibility that the user doesn’t agree with the terms and conditions of the platform and in that case they should refrain from using this application. However, once the use of the application implies the user's agreement with all the terms and conditions, the utility of the application can be carried out with ease.
Guarantees that a taxi platform must offer
As we mentioned before, taxi service platforms offer some guarantees, the customer will be able to access these when downloading or using the application. Some of these are:
1. The user has the right, authority and capacity to comply with all the terms and conditions.
2. Possibility for the customer to pay for the service provided by affiliated driver users.
3. All information provided by the platform is and will be true as well as accurate.
4. It is strictly necessary that the application be used in a personal capacity. That is, it is not possible for it to be used by a third party, other than the user.
Definitions regarding the taxi service platform
In any contract, it is necessary to take into account the following platform definitions (regardless of whether they are used in the singular or plural form). For example, elements such as "application" are defined so that users or customers know that it is a computer program that allows their cell phone or mobile phone, tablet and/or computer to perform functions or tasks. The same goes for definitions like: driver user application, password, client user, driver user, driver application and many other definitions.
This will help with the authorization of the use of the application, as well as with the technical requirements and restrictions of its use. Added to this, during the term of this contract, the client will have the non-exclusive, free, revocable and non-transferable right to use the application exclusively for the functions established in it.
Conditions for the customer to access the app.
It is extremely important that the user who accesses the platform is the only one authorized to access it. This will be the only person responsible for the conservation and confidentiality of your password, therefore, you must agree not to communicate or share it under any circumstances to any other user. The use of the password constitutes your unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this contract.
The client should be aware that the client will be responsible for having a cell or mobile phone, tablet or computer, so that the characteristics and technical requirements to access and use the application can be met, these include the internet connection. In case something changes in the taxi software modifications, the platform's privacy policy will publish a notification on the website so that users can be made aware of such changes in the type of personal data that is collected.
Make sure your users know your Terms and Conditions
The client user has the obligation not to modify, reproduce, copy, engineer or reverse engineer, redesign, decompile, adapt, translate, to prepare derivative works of the application or use the application to develop any software or other materials based on the application.
It is necessary to highlight that the platforms always clarify that they are not responsible for any damage, harm or loss on the part of the user. In addition, the system may not be available due to technical difficulties or internet failures, or for any other circumstance unrelated to the business and therefore the taxi service business platform will try to restore it as quickly as possible.