The new industrial revolution for the taxi niche

The new industrial revolution for the taxi niche

Technology has gone from being an extra within companies to being what marked a before and after within the taxi niche . This is where logistics comes in, which was mainly focused on being an operational sector. However, it has become a vital source that provides data and information. Therefore, companies have not taken long to realize the importance of digital tools.

Why introduce digitalization in logistics?

From the moment digitalization became part of logistics, it became a competitive advantage . Involving all sectors of the company in this is a trend that will continue for a long time. With the increase in competition, the price and quality of service increases, giving the consumer the possibility of obtaining a much more personalized service.

The breadth of the logistics sector for the taxi niche

Over the last 5 years or so, technological tools in logistics have evolved to incredible levels. We can see that they are becoming more accurate, independent of human input and intelligent. We will tell you a little about the main trends in digital transformation in logistics.

Order and systematization

The digitalization of what was once analog documentation has been one of the first and best steps taken in this 4.0 era. Management systems such as CRM and route planning have greatly increased in popularity within the taxi niche. As they automate multiple manual processes, while streamlining and optimizing them.

Nowadays, we find software with the capacity to capture, process and analyze huge volumes of data in just a few seconds, allowing the time previously spent on these tasks to be used for other business needs.

Get real-time graphs

Since humans began to have a variety of devices and spend a lot of time with them, information is constantly flowing. Therefore, we can find it in large quantities, always available within a couple of clicks.

Real-time information, combined with data intelligence and all backed up in the cloud, offers a complete view of the value chain, including flows, routes, traffic status, possible reservations and demand by geographic area, etc. Now that this information is already captured when you log in on a screen, it facilitates decision-making, optimizing costs and time.

The great IoT

The IoT, or Internet of Things in Spanish, has caused a stir in the world of logistics. The reason is simple: it helps those in the taxi niche who have also taken on the business of transporting merchandise. It is the safest way to automate transportation processes, ensuring that all products arrive intact.

We can say that the IoT consists of various sensors that capture information from the physical world to enter it into digital databases. An example of these would be sensors in cabins or transport containers. Used to capture everything that happens with respect to temperature, humidity or storage capacity used.

The famous artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence, better known by its acronym AI, arrived this year to stay and change our reality a bit. In logistics, it is used to transform storage processes, when collecting, analyzing information and inventory processes.

This allows companies to significantly increase the efficiency of logistics processes, and thus their revenues. Other common uses of AI include predicting demand, modifying orders and redirecting already planned routes.

Uses that can be given to logistics tools

Just as we have a variety of new tools such as AI and IoT, there are ways to apply them within companies. We will name some of these situations so that you know how they could improve the way you are managing your logistics.

Maintain and care for your assets

The maintenance we are talking about is called predictive, which uses proactive data-based methods that are specifically designed to analyze the condition of the equipment. This helps, as its name suggests, to predict maintenance and repair actions.

In the logistics sector, it is focused on being used in multiple assets to carry out operations. Such as storage equipment, road transport vehicles and/or spare parts if necessary. This must be a priority, since poor operational decisions regarding maintenance can result in this equipment not being used to its full potential.

Transformation from digital

Transforming a company or business into the digital world involves making changes in most of the departments that comprise it. It can include everything from business operations to customer-focused objectives. Digital transformation often requires certain technological implementations.

  • Internet of Things.

  • Digital twin.

  • IT Automation.

  • Cybersecurity.

  • Cloud storage.

  • Analytics.

  • Artificial intelligence.

  • Machine Learning.

The use of transport management programs or software encourages digital transformation. That is why it is increasingly essential to invest in an app, regardless of the size of the company or the sector. This way, brands and companies can offer greater visibility to those who will be their final consumers.

Hands on good logistics

The purpose of these improvements in logistics is to generate greater customer loyalty, thanks to good service. To provide a quality experience to the consumer, always up to date with expectations and new trends. If your company within the taxi niche seeks to save time and money by streamlining processes, it is through logistics 4.0 that you will achieve this.

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